CorrHealth - Termination Emails CorrHealth - Termination Emails Requestor Name: * Requestor Name: First First Last Last Requestor Email: * Terminated Employee Name: Terminated Employee Name: First First Last Last Termination Date: * Urgency Of Termination: * SelectImmediately10 Hours Or Less24 HoursNo Urgency Site: * SelectOtherAlbany CountyBroomfield County Detention CenterComal CountyCorporateEddy CountyGarfield CountyJefferson CountyLaramie CountyLarimer CountyLuna CountyMcClennan CountyMidland CountySan Miguel CountySandoval CountyTaos CountyWashington CountyWichita County Mail Retention: * SelectShared MailboxDelete Mailbox (mail will be purged) (if mail is to be retained it must be converted to a 'Shared Mailbox') Shared Mailbox Users: * For Shared Mailboxes, please list the names of users who should be able to monitor this mailbox. Additional Notes/Requests: If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit